About Papercut Field : Papercut Field is a project that was initiated in 2016 by Jam Wu, with the core members of the project consisting of 20 women and their family members from the Salty Zone in Tainan. With papercut art as the foundation, workshops are held regularly and interactions engaged in with different communities, including inviting schools and families in remote areas to take part in the project; displaying the papercut artworks in public spaces; documenting the project with Taiwanese poetry; creating innovative seasonal recipes inspired by the region; corporal performances, and other creative possibilities. The objective is to create an experimental project in Taiwan with papercut serving as the medium. Participants : Che-Yuan Lee, Chen-Yun Wu, Mei-Yin Lin, Meng-Rong Lin, Pei-Ling Hung, Hau-Po Kao, Hsuan Kao, Cheng-Hsin Chen, Mei-Chih Kuo, Pei-Yu Chen, Mei-Chen Chang, Pei-Chen Hsu, Ya-Hsun Chuang, Wei-Ling Hsu, Pin-Chia Huang, Pin-Hsin Huang, Shu-Fen Huang, Su-Mei Yu, Hui-Ling Huang, Yu-Wen Huang, Hsiu-Fei Cheng, Hui-Lien Huang, Wei-Fen Huang, Chao-Ting Tsai, Jen-Po Tsai, Hung-Tai Tsai, Hsiu-Wen Liu, Mei-Ling Hsieh This is a journey to home of an artist. On the trip, 20 mothers together with their families depicted their home scenery through papercutting. In the busy markets, vegetables, fruits, and meat are beautifully exhibited. In the clamorous temples, from dawn to dusk, green dragons and white tigers oversee parade formations escorted by excited pilgrims. In paddy fields, flying pigeons and blooming wildflowers cheer for sweating farmers. In fish farms, water wheels paddle for shrimp larvae and plump milkfish. In salt pans, oyster farms and piles of salt crystals reflect scorching sun of Southern Taiwan. Through cutting, carving, and drawing, they piece together forgotten pictures belonging to their hometown. Through breathing, performing, and cooking, they celebrate their identity on the land belonging to Plains Aborigines. 剪紙合作社 – 台灣剪紙的實驗田野 關於「剪紙合作社」 剪紙合作社計畫自2016年啓動,計畫發起者吳耿禎與臺南鹽份地帶20位婦女及其家庭為核心成員,以剪紙創作為基礎形式,透過持續工作坊,與不同社群交流,例如邀請偏鄉學校家庭參與 ; 將剪紙展示於公共空間 ; 以臺語詩文紀錄 ; 新創地方節氣食譜 ; 身體展演......等,試圖建立屬於臺灣的在地性剪紙田野。 計畫參與者: 李哲媛、吳臻昀、林玫吟、林孟蓉、洪培玲、高豪伯、高璿、陳正欣、郭美枝、陳佩瑜、張美珍、許珮甄、莊雅薰、許維玲、黃品嘉、黃品馨、黃淑芬、游淑媚、黃惠玲、黃鈺雯、程綉斐、黃慧蓮、黃薇芬、蔡兆婷、蔡任博、蔡宏泰、劉秀紋、謝美鈴 這是一個藝術家,回鄉的旅程。 旅程中,有20位媽媽與她們的家人們,一起用剪紙,種植了她們的家鄉風景。 種出了市場上琳琅滿目的蔬菜水果,雞鴨魚肉,那些市井街聲。 種出了廟埕旁,青龍白虎,晨鐘暮鼓,人們熱鬧喧騰的陣頭鏘鏘。 種出了稻田梗,群飛的鴿子,肆放的野花,農人滴落田野的汗水。 種出了魚塭小徑,幼小的蝦苗,肥大的虱目魚,達達的打水車。 種出了鹽田兒女,結晶的歷史,蚵田鹽山,粼粼閃光的南台灣烈陽。 他們在剪著,刻著,畫著,屬於家鄉的遺忘風景。 他們在呼吸著,表演著,料理調味,屬於自己土地上的平埔血緣。
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